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Thursday 21 April 2011


L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one I see
V is very, very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone that you adore and

Love is all that I can give to you
Love is more than just a game for two
Two in love can make it
Take my heart and please don't break it
Love was made for me and you

This song was sang by famous singer Nat King Cole in 1970's.Do you know what love is???Here some tit-bits of it..

Over the years, many people have shared with us their longing to be “in love.” And while we certainly understand the need and desire to be in a love relationship, it’s important to know that there are many genuine and powerful ways, other than a romantic relationship, to fill your life with

We heard a beautiful and touching story about a friend of a friend. Like many people, she was lonely. She felt empty, as though her life couldn’t possibly be complete without someone to share it with. Her friends, of course, offered all sorts of well-meaning advice; they tried to set her up; challenged her to get out more; directed her to clubs, classes, and other traditional ways to meet single people. Nothing did the trick.

Then someone suggested that she volunteer her time. For many reasons, the idea struck a chord, so she began volunteering at a nursing home. This simple act of love was the catalyst to changing her life. To make a long story short, she “fell in love with” (metaphorically) a lovely woman in her nineties. The experience of sharing love and giving love opened her heart in ways she had never imagined. She felt appreciated and honored. Her heart opened, and she began to exude love in all aspects other life. She felt happier, more peaceful and fulfilled than ever before. She had expanded her definition of love.

 The feeling of love is contagious. When your heart is open and you're busy sharing your love with others, you draw more love of all kinds in your direction.

It wasn't long before this woman become involved with a man she had known for a long time, as a friend. Although it would be quantify, there's no question that her entire presence had changed due to the love that was now in her heart.

Romantic love, a loving partnership, marriage-all are wonderful. The truth is, however, that there are countless ways to express love and receive love. You can do so with pets,volunteerism, nature, a good cause, even hobbies. Anything you enjoy, that nurtures your spirit in loving way, that allows you to share your love with something or someone else, has the potential to fill your heart with love.

When we are filled with loving feelings, whether those feelings are directed toward humans, animals, God, nature, or simply a love of life, we put ourselves in a position to attract love. When our heart is filled with love, and we are sharing that love, we become kinder, gentler, and more patient.

Our perspective is enhanced and we become more satisfied. Often, when we’re only looking to be loved, it’s easy to forget how wonderful it is to give love. Yet, when we discover new ways to share our love, an almost magical transformation takes place in our lives. We become more interested in others, more inclusive and wiser. It almost seems like a law of nature—the more ways we discover to express, share, and be loving, the more we find ourselves surrounded by the feeling of love.

Whether you’re in a romantic relationship or not, or whether you want to be in one or not, isn’t critical. Whatever your circumstances, dreams, or preferences, filling your life with opportunities to express your love is always a good idea..

P/s: The most important thing is love your God,Parents, then your lovers..*wink*..


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