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Wednesday 14 December 2011


You might think you know it all but how can you be sure what's in a woman's mind and what does she actually expect or want from you? There are several things women never share with their men no matter how strong the bond or relationship might be. So let's solve all the misconceptions men have in their mind and find all the answers.Here some....

 1. Women get more jealous than men- This is something which no woman shares with her man that she gets jealous more than ever when she is in a relationship. Even on smallest of instances would fire up a big volcano of jealousy. Once you are in a relationship women get more possessive and do feel jealous if you are in touch with other females may it be only for work communication or social friend's women do feel the heat no matter what.

 2. Women get bored easily- Men always think once they get into a relationship that's the end of it all and tend to step back and get lazy. Women like men who can keep them amused and interested. Every relationship requires commitment and some men forget than and take the relationship for granted. This is the major reason why most men now days get cheated on or get dumped in the end.

 3. Women like to be complimented- They never say it but they expect it all the time. May it be the smallest of the compliment just about the way they look, the beautiful smile she has, looks gorgeous in that hair style or whatever it might be. Every woman wants her man to notice her all the time.

 4. Women share everything with friends- They always tell you that everything discussed between you and her is totally confidential but women have this tendency to share everything when among friends. From financial to personal details everything is like an open book when she opens her mouth with friends.

 5. Fine isn't always fine- When women say it's ok or fine in a relationship than it's not always fine. In such a case the exact opposite is probably true. Therefore when she says fine it's rather awful and something needs to be done.

 6. Women expect guys to get hints- This is where probably all guys lose out they're never able to read the woman's mind. Women always give hints when they aren't able to speak their mind out. And they expect you to know what they want and desire from you.

But these tips do not guarantee success with women, There is a secret which would help you attain tremendous success with women and you would be able to attract almost anyone.



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